Not once in the long, storied, six-month history of The Other B.S. Report have we selected a replacement for TNEA of the Month, halfway through the month. But a) the Dallas Stars Ice Chicks were a cop-out, and b) this one couldn't wait, due to Saturday's circumstances.
I am taking a risk here. A risk of losing my co-blogger. But I don't care.
Rachel Glandorf, the girlfriend of Colt McCoy, isn't just a smokin' hot former Baylor track athlete. She does some TV spots for a CBS station in Texas, on the Longhorns. So, in honor of the upcoming Red River Rivalry Game, I present to you, Ms. Glandorf (on the left). Oklahoma fans, enjoy.

And a YouTube clip, too...
And a Colt picture, just for good measure...
And a Colt picture, just for good measure...
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