So one of my friends from Wisconsin, name of Justin Fielkow (some of you may know him). Without a doubt, 2010 is a year he's going to remember. It's the year that he's getting married (congrats to you and Sarah again, bud), the year he's starting law school and the year his beloved Saints won the Super Bowl.
(Seriously. If I had a Top 5 list for "People I Know Who Love Their Team More Than Other People Love Their Team", Justin and his Saints would easily crack the list.)
So this year's going to be pretty incredible for Justin, right? It's hard to come up with a better year than he'll have.
Until you consider this year for another individual. A guy I like to call Benjamin Worgull.
Not only is this the year HE is getting married too (and a hearty congrats to you and Kim), but he gets to continue cover sports for a living. And while his teams aren't particularly distinguished right now, he earned an individual accomplishment that might outrank a team famous for fans placing paper bags over their heads winning the Super Bowl.
That accomplishment? Well, what's better than winning one Pick 'em Championship?
IN A ROW????
That's right. THIS GUY you see pictured below won back-to-back Pick 'em titles.
Clearly, Ben's not only in shock over the victory, but he knows how to party in celebration of this great feat.
Second place goes to first-year player DJ Jarvis, our youngest competitor in the field. Just as Peyton Manning will be haunted all year by nightmares of Tracy Porter, DJ will be haunted all summer by nightmares of ... well, Peyton Manning getting pick-sixed by Tracy Porter. And by his fatal decision to follow the advice of some other guy in his league who kept pushing him to make his choice quickly and go with the Colts. Of course, said other guy nearly finished in last this year. What the hell does he know.
Third place and the bronze medal are awarded to Wyatt Tyler, whose Championship Sunday-losing Vikings went to overtime with the ultimate Super Bowl champs. Jordan Chomko takes home fourth.
Thanks to everyone for a fantastic season, and see you all in the fall of 2010! Before we go, our photographers snapped a victory photo of Mr. Worgull on his way home from the arena:

Thank goodness our photographer wasn't paying attention when Worgull used a different finger to tell us all who's number one.